Achieving Academic Success

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3045 Whitman Dr. 204 Evergreen, CO 80439

our view

Learning Performance = Proficiency + Efficiency

Learning performance is the process of acquiring knowledge. If you get better at learning, you can learn anything better and faster! This is the importance of academic support — getting the right support for learning.
We help you build learning skills so you can stop depending on a tutor and become an independent learner. Tutoring helps you acquire knowledge, but rarely while making you better at learning.
Life is not a multiple choice test! Getting good at multiple-choice test taking doesn’t help you learn new things. Test prep teaches you to take a particular test. So you just acquire specific knowledge, and only skills for analyzing and answering specific question types.

Here's how we view learning


Attitudes and Mindsets
Unlock Success

Attitudes and mindsets are hard to change. You get to choose your mindset, and it can be done. Having the right attitude doesn’t make life easy. But it makes it easier when you have a mindset to face life’s challenges when they arise.

If you don’t believe you can get better, you won’t. But if you believe that you can get better, you have a growth mindset. Then you’re more likely to persist — at least a little bit — in trying to do difficult things. With a little success, your willingness to persist and your confidence will increase.

The secret to success for learning and in life is combining strong skills with positive mindsets. You can get pretty far with just skills, but without strong mindsets, you can be pretty miserable. So adopting a positive mindset is essential to improved learning. We help by shaping processes, practicing incremental steps, and offering online coaching for learning and on your personal growth goals.

Our courses present challenging opportunities that students think they can’t accomplish. Then we show them they can actually do it. They try new practices, are get online coaching for learning by our Yoda mentors, and reflect on growth. Students have revelations about themselves — eureka moments.

Our facilitators

Facilitation Goes Beyond

Our facilitators are coaches who give online learning support where
We care about every student, and believe every student can succeed.
We believe that every student can learn to learn better, regardless of current level and without limit.
We empower students to do for themselves, rather than directing and “doing for” them.
We don’t tell them what to do, but ask them how
they can do it. They discover tools and skills they can expand over a lifetime.
We develop true learning skills and strategies that aren’t just tricks with limited applications, but can be used with any learning task or content.
We help students improve learning during learning by integrating learning processes with knowledge acquisition.
We use
the same tools and strategies we teach to improve ourselves and our facilitation skills.

Assessment: Improving Performance

A lot of people beat themselves up when they don't perform as well as they'd like. Many dwell on what didn't work, but don't create a strategy to change it. Or they concentrate on what they did well, and don't seek to improve the rest. They are evaluators. But some wonder what could happen if they focus on improvement. And how that could unlock the things they truly want to do. They are assessors.

Assessment may sound cliché, but it works. It's not platitudes and empty psychobabble. Instead, it acknowledges strengths, develops plans for making improvements, and stores the learning from each performance for future use. This is one the most important academic supports you can adopt. Having an assessment mindset is a choice you make. To switch from beating yourself up to seeing opportunities for growth and improvement, and shifting the aim from "perfection" to "better than the time before".

Achieve Your Academic Success

Enroll in one of our courses or workshops!

Full Course 
A 4-week online course
that will help you become a master learner who carries out your life vision on a path of continuous growth.

Intensive Short Courses
The full course available in a two-part series of two, 9-day intensive blocks. These courses are offered during school breaks.

60-90 minutes on a single skill area.


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